Friday, February 19, 2010

a small girl in the big wide world

hei everybody,,it's been a while not update our blog again...
see,,I've been surfing the net for a while n then I realize "hey it's been such a long time that I never see this blog again.." soooo I've decided to open it.
hmmm today is February 19th 2010..yes as in 2010!! see I've told u it's been awhile...
both of us (dian n me) already finish our study at Hasanuddin University. Dian now work at a Japan company in makassar handling the new UH's engeneering department which will be move to Gowa...
and ME......currently redise in Xiamen, u can see on the picture above..that's me in shanghai during winter holiday.
I stay here in order to study chinese languange,,I've got a scholarhip of course (it's impsossible my parents could afford me to study abroad..) the scholarship is for 4 years but I think I'm not that strong living on my own in the country where facebook,youtube,blogger are blocked by its government and (this desperate me the most..) chinese people can't speak english even a little!!!!

psstt : a little dream always be me going to japan and study its languange...instead I'm stranded here to study chinese and the worst of..I'm not even interested too from the beginning..
can u imagine that?!!! GOD I miss Makassar and INDONESIA!!

diannn...I'm waiting ur comment :)


dianidha said...

Dian: Wakakakak...curhat nih ye..beh, "not even too interested"? Sini mi se gantikan ko..bwahahaha

dianidha said...

dian! mau btulan ko ke sini ka?? ndak enak tolo'...mending di mks ko saja..stay there!! krn klo ko sdh di sini,,pasti!! ko bakal rindu skl mks..believe me.
setelah di sini,,sa jd ndak suka musim dingin...btulan! sa ndak suka pake baju tebal2..harus 3 lapis baju br hangat.
huaa rindu indo! msh ada 4 bulan yg harus d lewati...hen jiu ahhhh...