The story of begins with the mysteriously disappearance of Mike Deerfield, a soldier who has just returned to the U.S from the front lines in Iraq. Hearing the news, his father, a retired soldier, Hank (Tommy Lee Jones) immediately goes to Texas where his son is lost-Texas is the location of U.S army’s base. With the help of a police detective, Emily Sanders (Charlize Theron), he tries to uncover the truth of Mike’s disappearance. As it is described in the tagline, “Sometimes finding the truth is easier than facing it”, it turns out that Hank and his wife, Joan (Susan Sarandon) have to fight in dealing with the shocking, painful truth about their beloved son.
The movie which inspired by the true event, in Mark Boal’s Playboy Magazine article-I never thought before that Playboy Magazine is actually also contains an article that doesn’t involve a topless blonde woman, is the second movies of Paul Haggis that I’ve watched-the first is Crash-great movie, won an Oscar for Best Picture and he maintains great. Beside giving you the great scenario-written by Haggis himself and outstanding performance by Tommy Lee Jones, what more important is the strong message that is given about the Iraq issues. Last words, In the Valley of Ellah is surely one of the best movies of the year.
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hi guys,nice blog!
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